Welcome to The Presbytery of the Ascension website. We are a geographically situated group of congregations of The Presbyterian Church in America. We exist to further the glory of The Lord Our God and advance His kingdom. To this end, we support each other, encourage each other, and assist each other in fulfilling the Great Commission wherever God has planted a congregation within the boundaries of our presbytery. We plant churches, hold missionary conferences, and hold regular meetings in as the means to support these endeavors. Our congregations will welcome you and assist you in your journey with Christ. Together we want to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
Ascension Presbytery exists to glorify God by spreading the Gospel, strengthening our local churches, building unity between our congregations, facilitating healthy church-pastor relationships, defending the truth against error, serving the greater good of the Presbyterian Church in America, and testifying to the love of Jesus Christ to the world. (See BCO 13-9).
Ascension Presbytery gathers four times a year to hold meetings among our member churches. We rotate the location of the meetings regularly. Each church is represented by her ruling elders and teaching elders. We examine candidates, review session minutes, promote Christian education, further the cause of missions, cooperate on church planting ventures, and discuss matters related to our General Assembly and denomination.
Ascension Presbytery is one of 88 presbyteries in the Presbyterian Church in America. Ascension consists of 16 local churches in the Western Pennsylvania area. Our territory extends from Erie by the lake all the way down to the Northern suburbs of Pittsburgh; and from the Ohio border on the West to DuBois on the Eastern end.